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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
Man and Biosphere Program
man-made climate change (Man-made climate changes may be due to the greenhouse effect and other human activities. A change in albedo of the land brought about by desertification and deforestation affects the amount of solar energy absorbed at the earth's surface. Man-made aerosols produced from the sulphur released from power stations can modify clouds. Changes in ozone levels in the stratosphere due to CFCs may influence climate) 人为造成的气候变化
man-nature relationship 人与自然的关系
management (Government, control, superintendence, physical or manual handling or guidance; act of managing by direction or regulation, or administration, as management of family, or of household, etc.) 管理
management accounting (The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organization) 管理会计
management contract (A legal agreement between two or more parties of employers and workers that outlines the administrative or supervisory work that is expected in exchange for certain payments and working conditions) 管理合约
management of natural resources (Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits) 自然资源管理
management plan (A program of action designed to reach a given set of objectives) 管理计划
management technique (systematic approach or method of performance for the accomplishment of administrative goals or tasks) 管理技术
mandate (A command or authorization to act in a particular way given by an administrator to a subordinate, a court to a lower court or an electorate to its representative) 任务
mangrove (Plant communities and trees that inhabit tidal swamps, muddy silt, and sand banks at the mouths of rivers and other low-lying areas which are regularly inundated by the sea, but which are protected from strong waves and currents. Mangroves are the only woody species that will grow where the land is periodically flooded with sea water; individual species have adapted themselves to different tidal levels, to various degrees of salinity, and to the nature of the mud or soil. Mangrove swamps and thickets support hundreds of terrestrial, marine, and amphibian species; have a special role in supporting estuarine fisheries; provide shelter, refuge and food for many forms of wildlife) 红树
mangrove swamp (A wet, spongy area of land in tropical climates and along coastal regions that is dominated by mangrove trees and shrubs, particularly red mangroves (Rhizophora), black mangroves (Avicennia) and white mangroves (Laguncularia)) 红树林沼泽
manicured line 修剪线
manpower (1. The power generated by a man working. 2. The number of people available for work, service, etc.) 劳动力
manufacturing activity (Activities connected with the processing of raw material into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation) 制造业活动
manufacturing trade (The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling any manufactured product, or the raw materials for any manufacturing process) 制造业贸易
manure (Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the soil) 肥料
manure production (No definition needed) 肥料生产
manured pond 有机肥料池
map (A representation, normally on a flat medium, that displays the physical and political features of a surface area of the earth, showing them in their respective forms, sizes and relationships according to some convention of representation) 地图