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Terms for subject Angling (hobby) (391 entries)
point 钩尖
point of hock 鱼钩尖
point of release 释放点
point of the hook with barb 倒刺鱼钩尖
pole 钓竿
pole fishing 竿钓
polystyrene float 聚苯乙烯浮标
polystyrene float 聚苯乙烯浮子
pond 鱼塘
punt pole 撑船篙
quant pole 撑船篙
quill float 羽毛管浮标
quill float 羽毛管浮子
rag 布片
reel 卷线轮
reel 鱼线旋轮
reel 卷线轮绕线轮
reel 缠线盘
reel foot 卷线轮底盘