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Terms for subject Politics (454 entries)
Niue 纽埃
non-binding instrument 不具约束力的文书
non-discrimination 无歧视
non-discrimination 无差别对待
non-speaking observer 无发言权的观察员
non-State actor 非国家行为体
obligation of conduct 行为义务
obligation of result 结果义务
obligation to cooperate 合作的义务
obligation to ensure 保证的义务
obligation to fulfil 满足的义务
obligation to fulfil (provide) 满足提供的义务
obligation to protect 保护的义务
obligation to respect 尊重的义务
ODA 官方发展援助
of various stripes 形形色色的
ombudsman 监察员
ombudsperson 监察员
omission 不作为
omission 不履行法律责任