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Terms for subject Football (3918 entries)
launch an attack 发动进攻
launch consistent attacks 频繁发动进攻
launch direct attack 发动直接进攻
lay off 等待
layout position 扑倒姿势
lead off an attack 发起进攻
lead pass 领前传球
league football matches 足球联赛
league (football) match 足球联赛
league system 联盟体制
league table 联赛表
league table 联赛积分表
leak of goal 漏球
lean back 身体后仰
leaping header 跃起头球射门
leather lining 皮衬里
Lebaishi Cup 乐百氏杯
left 左后卫
left corner of the net 球门左角
left flank 左边锋