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Terms for subject Sports (42318 entries)
lacerated wound 裂伤
laceration 划破
laceration 撕裂
laceration 裂伤
laceration 撕裂伤
laceration of palmar callus 手掌肼骶撕裂
laceration of scalp 头皮撕裂伤
lack 缺乏
lack of physical activity 身体活动不足
lack training 缺乏训练
lackluster 毫无生气的
lackluster 不精彩的
lactaciduria 乳酸尿
lactase 乳糖酶
lactate 乳酸
lactate 乳酸盐或酯
lactate accumulation 乳酸堆积
lactate debt 乳酸性氧债
lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶
lactate production 乳酸生成