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Terms for subject Skiing (1413 entries)
landing slope 着陆山坡
landing slope 着陆
langlauf 速度滑雪
langlauf 越野滑雪
langlaufer 越野滑雪者
large hill 大跳台
late entry 晚报名
launching platform 起滑台
lawn ski 草地滑雪
lawn skiing 草地滑雪
layers of a modern ski 现代滑雪板层次
lean 倾侧
leave out a gate 漏门
leave the set track 偏离雪道
leg guard 绑腿雪鞋
length and inclination of the takeoff 起跳区的长度和斜度
length of jump 飞跃距离
length of jumping 飞跃距离
lift chair 架空缆车座