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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
keep (one's) heads clear 保持清醒头脑
keep it simple KISS 原则指预算表格和程序力求简便的原则
keep out of debt 不借债
keep overall price levels basically stable 保持物价总水平基本稳定
keep rates low for a long time 长期维持低利率
keep (one's) savings on deposit at banks 把钱存人银行
keep the basic orientation of macrocontrol unchanged 坚持宏观调控的基本取向不变
keep the cash 作现金出纳
keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels 保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模
keep the dollar down 压低美元汇率
keep the exchange rate relatively constant 让人民币汇率相对保持不变
keep the fluctuation of commodity prices under control 控制大宗商品价格波动
keep the overall level of prices stable 稳定物价总水平
keep the renminbi artificially cheap to support exporters 人为压低人民币汇率以支持出口商
keep-safe trust 保管信托
keeping account 计算
keeping account 核算
Keidanren 日本经济团体联合会
kerb exchange 场外交易所
kerb level 场外价格水平