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Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology (16081 entries)
Jarvis operation 贾维斯手术
Jarvis snare 贾维斯圈套器
jaw bones 颌骨
jaw clonus 颌阵挛
jaw fall 下颌脱位
jaw fracture 颌骨骨折
jaw joint 下颌关节
jaw prop 支颌器
jaw retrusion 颌后移
jaw winking syndrome 颌睑联动综合征
jeep disease 吉普车病
jeep disease 鼻窦炎
Jenes nasal splint 鼻骨折夹
Jervel-Lange-Nielson syndrome [韦尔]
Jervell syndrome 耳聋、心电图异常综合征
joints of auditory ossicles 听小骨关节
joints of foot 足关节
Jones nasal splint 琼斯鼻夹
Jones-Mote reaction 琼[斯]-莫[特]反应
Jonnesco operation 琼斯科手术