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Terms for subject Accounting (120 entries)
privatization, valuation of state-owned enterprises 国有企业的私有化和估价
product cost determination 产品成本决定
profit center performance 利润中心业绩
realization gain and loss 变现损益
red flags in accounting 会计中的红旗警示
red-ink entry 赤字分录
reporting assumptions 财务报表假设
reporting extraordinary items 对非常项目的报告
revenue recognition: expenses, gains and losses 收人确认:费用、利得和损失
reverse entry 对冲记载
savings deposit 储蓄
scatter 散布
scatter chart 散点图
screening study 筛析
single entry system 单式会计制
stabilized accounting 稳值会计
statistical sampling in auditing 审计中的统计抽样
substantive auditing tests 实质性审计测试
sunk cost 沉没成本工程项目已进成本, 但由于决定注销而不能回收的成本
tabular ledger 多栏式分类账目