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Terms for subject Work flow (782 entries)
library sciences 图书馆学
light pen 条形码阅读器
light pen 光笔
limited circulation 限制发行
limited circulation 限量发行
linear notation 线性记数
list of acquisitions 采集清单
literary indicator (AGRIS input sheet) 著者书目指示符
literature search 书目查找
literature search 文献查找
lithography 平版印刷
lithogravure 平版凹印术
loan library 借阅库
local record number (CARIS input sheet) 当地记录号简写为LRN
locate 定位
logical AND 逻辑"和"AND
logical NOT 逻辑"不" NOT
logical operator 布尔算子
logical operator 逻辑算子
logical OR 逻辑"或" OR