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Terms for subject Skiing (1413 entries)
intermediate time 中途成绩
International Professional Ski Racers Association 国际职业滑雪竞赛者总会
international ski calendar 国际滑雪竞赛日程表
International Ski-racers Association 国际滑雪运动员总会
Internationale Rennrodelordung 国际滑雪规则
interruption of the race 中断比赛
interval speed 门间速滑
interval speed 门间滑速
J-bar J 字形上山吊杆
joint regulations for all ski competitions 滑雪竞赛通则
judge's stand 司令台
jump Christiania 跳跃转弯
jump point 跳台滑雪积分
jump round 跳跃转弯
jump stop 跳转急停
jump turn with two sticks down 跳跃式撑双杖转弯
jump turn with two sticks down 撑双杖跳跃式转弯
jumper 飞跃运动员