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Terms for subject Scuba diving (1011 entries)
inward dive ¹⁄₂ twists 向内转体半周
inward double somersault 向内翻腾2 周
inward double somersaults 向内翻腾两周
inward somersault 向内翻腾
inward somersault 1 twist 向内翻腾转体1周
inward somersault ¹⁄₂ twist 向内翻腾转体半周
inward spinning dive 向内翻腾跳水
inward spinning pike dive 向内屈体翻腾跳水
inward tuck 向内翻腾抱膝
irregular shore-line pattern 不规则海岸线的搜寻
isander dive
jack 屈体跳水
jack 镰刀式跳水
jackknife 封闭式屈体
jackknife dive 屈体跳水
jackknife dive 镰刀式跳水
jump 直体跳水
jump from standing position 原地起跳
keep the head in line 保持头部端正
keep the head in line 头部保持端正