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Terms for subject Nautical (16554 entries)
ice strengthening 冰区加强
ice torque 冰块扭矩
ice-breaking 具有破冰能力
ice-breaking tug 破冰拖船
ice-covered water 冰覆盖水域
iceberg and floating ice observation room 冰山和浮冰观察室
icebreaker bow 破冰型首
ichthyology laboratory 鱼类实验室
ICLL convention 国际载重线公约
IDAS 潜射交互防御与进攻武器系统
ideal efficiency of screw propeller 螺旋桨理想效率
identification of a particularly sensitive sea area 指定一个特别敏感海区
identification proof 身份证明
identification survey 鉴定检验
identification system (AIS) target 自动识别系统目标
identify speed 识别速度
idle pulley 惰轮空转轮
idle time 惰转时间
idler 空转轮惰轮,中介齿轮
idling gear 惰轮空转轮