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Terms for subject Submarines (387 entries)
kneeling on both knees 屈双膝跪姿
kneeling on one knee 屈单膝跪姿
kneeling-on- both- knees 双膝跪姿
lead belt 铅带
life-jacket 救生衣
lifeline 潜水员升降索
line emergency signal 紧急索信号
log book 潜水记录手册
looking glass 窥镜
lubber line 方位基准线
lubber line 留泊线
metal helmet 金属头盔
method of entry and exit 出入水方法
missing diver 迷失方向潜水者
mitten type of glove 连指手套
narcosis effect 麻醉效应
narcosis effect 潜反应
National Association of Underwater Instructors 国际潜水教练协会
negative buoyancy 沉降浮力
neoprene wet suit 氯丁橡胶潜水服