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Terms for subject United Nations (8487 entries)
Harare sub-plans for disengagement and redeployment 关于脱离接触和重新部署的《哈拉雷分计划》
harbour works 港口建筑设施
hard accommodation 硬墙营房
hard threat 硬威胁
hard-walled camp 硬墙营房
hard-walled camp 硬墙宿舍
hard-walled module 硬墙营房
hard-walled module 硬墙宿舍
hardened main roads/bridges 硬化干线/桥梁
hardened Silo 加固地下井
hardwood forest 阔叶林
hardwood forest 常绿阔叶林
hardwood forest 落叶林
harmful algal bloom 藻类密集孳生为害
harmful tax practices 有害的税收做法
harmless 无害
harmonization of the various initiatives 协调中非共和国恢复和平与稳定各项区域倡议
hate propaganda 仇恨宣传
hazard classification system 危险性分类制度
hazard map 危险地形图