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Terms for subject Horticulture (1913 entries)
herbaceous graft 草本植物嫁接
hickory nut 山核桃
high data rate storage subsystem 高速资料存储子系统
high data rate storage subsystem 高速数据存储子系统
high earthing up 高培土
high earthing up 大培土
high efficiency data collection 高效数据采集
high efficiency of crop production 作物生产的高效率
high fertility 高结实率
high fertilizer-responsive nonlodging variety 适应高肥不倒伏品种
high response variety 高响应度品种
high value crop 高价值作物
high yield of crop production 作物生产的高产量
high-worked 高接
highest yield 最高产量
highly effective management of crop culture 作物栽培高效管理
highly resistant variety 高抗逆病,虫等品种
highly yielding theory and technology of crop 作物高产理论与技术
hillplot 穴播区
hold up 显示