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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (2284 entries)
head mange of sheep 绵羊疥螨 (Sarcoptes scabiei var. ovis)
heart girth 胸围
heart weakness 心脏衰弱 (insufficientia cordis)
heartwater 心水病 (Cowdria ruminantium)
heartwater 考德里体病 (Cowdria ruminantium)
heaves 肺泡性肺气肿 (Emphysema pulmonum alveolare chro)
heel fly 牛皮蝇 (Hypoderma lineatum)
heel fly 纹皮蝇 (Hypoderma lineatum)
heel fly attack 牛皮蝇侵袭 (Hypoderma lineatum)
hemonchosis 寄生虫性胃炎
hemonchosis 血矛线虫病
hemorrhagic septicemia of cattle 牛出血性败血病 (Pasteurella boviseptica)
hemorrhagic septicemia of cattle 牛败血性巴氏杆菌病 (Pasteurella boviseptica)
hemorrhagic septicemia of cattle 牛巴氏杆菌病 (Pasteurella boviseptica)
hemorrhagic septicemia of cattle 运输热 (Pasteurella boviseptica)
heparin 肝磷脂
heparinized blood 肝素化血液
hepatic gluconeogenesis 肝脏糖质新生减少
hepatized lung 肝样变肺
hepatocellular vacuolation 肝细胞空泡形成