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Terms for subject Surgery (12753 entries)
halo-pelvic distraction 颅骨骨盆牵引
halo-pelvic distraction apparatus 颅骨骨盆牵引器
Halsted herniorrhaphy 霍尔斯特德疝修补术
Halsted method 霍尔斯特德疝修补法
Halsted suture 褥式浆肌层缝合
halving and stepping technique in suturing nostril border 鼻翼缘劈分错叠缝合法
hamartoma of kidney 肾错构瘤
hamartoma of kidney 肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤
hamartoma of liver 肝错构瘤
hamartoma of lung 肺错构瘤
Hamcock heart valve bioprosthesis 汉科克生物心脏
Hancock heart valve bioprosthesis 汉科克生物心脏瓣膜
hand injury 手外伤
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 汉-许-克病黄色瘤病
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 慢性特发性黄瘤病
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 慢性播散性组织细胞病
hang-nail 倒刺
hang-nail 逆剥
Hangman fracture 悬吊性骨折
haploidentical donor 单倍体相同的供者