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Terms for subject Judo (907 entries)
hip wheel 腰车单臂夹颈过腰摔
hit the mat 拍击垫子认输
hiza guruma 膝车膝蹬侧身摔
hold 压制
hold change to stand 抓住改变成站立
hold down 固住
hold is on 在握
hold is on 固技开始
hold on 固技
holding 压技开始
holding 计时开始
holding broken 脱把解脱
holding technique 压制法
holding technique 固技
holding technique 压技
hooking backward counter throw 缠脚摔
I give up! 输了!
I surrender! 输了!
inner thigh throw 内股
inner thigh throw 挑勾子