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Terms for subject United Nations (8487 entries)
general contractor 总承包公司
general education system 普通教育系统
General Fono (Tokelau) 长老大会
General Framework Agreement for Peace in BH and annexes 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和平总框架协定及其 各项附件统称为《和平协定》
general medicine, internal medicine, surgical, other medical specialties as agreed, dental, hygiene, dispensary, blood testing and processing, x-ray, laboratory ward and stabilization/life-saving measures and capabilities and evacuation to the next level 普通科、内科、外科、其他商定医学专科、牙科、卫生、药房、验血和处理、X光检查、化验病房和稳定病情/抢救生命措施能力和撤至上一等级
general multidiscipline wards 多用途一般病房
general observation: provide hand-held binoculars for general observation use 一般性观察:提供一般观察用的手持望远镜
general operating expenses 一般业务费
general physicians 一般内科医生
General Principles of International Environmental Law 国际环境法一般原则
general purpose (snowcat) 通用雪地式履带车辆
general purpose sets 通用器械
general resources 一般资源
General Service 一般事务人员
general Service (Principal level) 一般事务人员特等
general Service (other level) posts 一般事务其他职等员额
general staff 总参谋部
General temporary assistance 一般临时助理
general temporary assistance 一般临时助理人员
General Transport, Coordination and Communications Section 一般运输、协调和通讯科