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Terms for subject Fishery (fishing industry) (2056 entries)
governance of small-scale fisheries 小型渔业治理
governance of small-scale fisheries 手工渔业治理
grappling and wounding gear 铁钩及投刺渔具
green accounting 环境核算
gregarious fish 鱼群
grid 分级格
gross register tonnage 总登记吨位
gross register tonnage 总注册吨位
groundrope 沉子纲
habitat degradation 栖息地退化
habitat disturbance 生境干扰
habitat disturbance 扰乱生境
hand and landing net 手网和抄网
hand dredge 手动耙网
hand net 手网
handline 手钓
handliner 手钓船
hanging ratio 缩结比
harpooning 投射鱼标鱼叉
harpooning 发射捕鲸炮銛