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Terms for subject Welding (259 entries)
limited duty welding power source 限制负载的焊接电源
liner 送丝管
liquid cooling system 液冷系统
load voltage (of a welding power source) 负载电压 (焊接电源的)
low duty manual metal arc welding MMA power source 限制负载的手工焊条电弧焊电源
low duty manual metal arc welding MMA power source 限制负载的焊条电弧焊电源
Lower Explosive Limit 爆炸下限
magnetic flux 磁性焊剂
manual metal-arc welding 手工焊条电弧焊
manual metal-arc welding 焊条电弧焊
manual torch 手工焊炬
maximum effective supply current (for industrial and professional power sources) 最大有效输入电流 (工业和专业用电源的)
maximum load 最大载荷
maximum short-circuit currents in welding 焊接最大短路电流
maximum short-circuit power 最大短路功率
mechanically guided torch 机械焊炬
micro-environment 微观环境
mixing section 混合室
motorized torch 电动式焊炬
no-load voltage (in arc welding and cutting) 空载电压 (电弧焊接与切割的)