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Terms for subject Outdoor activities and extreme sports (914 entries)
flatspin 720° 侧转体2周
flip 翻板滑板动作
flip 短距离快速传球
fly upwards as the cord snaps back
following 非先锋攀登
foot 脚点
Footed X-up
foothold 攀岩踏足点
forest skiing 森林滑雪
forward stair riding 前溜下梯
foul deck 阴雨天容易返潮的滑板
frame 鞋框
frame stand
free coaster hab
free fall 自由落体式蹦极
free rock climbing 无绳攀岩
free solo 徒手攀登
free style 自由式蹦极
freeriding 野地单板滑雪
freestyle 自由式滑板