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Terms for subject Radio (869 entries)
frequency-shift keying 移频键控〔法〕
full width at half maximum 在0.5电平下的最大带宽
full width at half maximum 半极限制时的全宽度波型
gain bandwidth 增益-带宽〔乘积〕
gain limited sensitivity 受增益限制的〔极限增益〕灵敏度
gain-bandwidth 增益与带宽之乘积
gain-bandwidth product 增益-带宽乘积
gap-filler radar 死区填补雷达
gate 闸门电路
gate turn-off 闸门电路断开
gate turn-off 矩形脉冲断开
gate valve 闸门管
gate valve 选通管
generalized negative impedance converter 一般化阻抗变换器
giant-pulse laser 巨脉冲莱塞激光器
glass tube 玻壳电子管
go on the air
go on the air 播送
go on the air 开始广播