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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
early surrender value 提前退保金值
early trading 早市
early withdrawal penality 提前取款罚金
earmark 明白指定资金的用途
earmark 拨归 专用
earmarked account 专用帐户
earmarked account 指定用款帐户
earmarked credit 指定用途账户
earmarked earned surplus 指定用途盈余
earmarked fund 专用基金
earmarked funds 指定用途款项
earmarked funds 预留款项
earmarked growth 拟定增长
earmarked reserves 指定用途准备金
earmarked surplus 拨定盈余
earmarked surplus 拨定公积
earmarking 指定用途
earmarking 专款专用
earmarking of funds 专用基金
earmarking of funds 为资金指定用途