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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
EC directive on packaging (EC Directive proposed on 15 July 1992 aiming at harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste; the directive covers all packaging placed on the market) 欧共体关于包装材料的指示
EC directive on waste disposal (EC Directive whose main object concerns waste prevention, recycling and transformation into alternative energy sources) 欧共体关于废弃物处理的指示
EC directive on water protection (Directive concerning the use and management of water resources for a rational economical and social development and the protection of the related environmental features) 欧共体关于水资源保护的指示
EC ecolabel (The European Community (EC) initiative to encourage the promotion of environmentally friendly products. The scheme came into operation in late 1992 and was designed to identify products which are less harmful to the environment than equivalent brands. For example, eco-labels will be awarded to products that do not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which damage ozone layer, to those products that can be, or are, recycled, and to those that are energy efficient. The labels are awarded on environmental criteria set by the EC. These cover the whole life cycle of a product, from the extraction of raw materials, through manufacture, distribution, use and disposal of the product. The first products to carry the EC eco-labels were washing machines, paper towels, writing paper, light bulbs and hairsprays) 欧洲共同体环保标签
EC policy 欧洲共同体政策
EC regulation 欧洲共同体规定
EC regulation on eco-management and audit 欧洲共同体关于生态管理和审查规划的规定
EC regulation on existing chemicals (Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicity) 欧洲共同体关于现有化学品的规定
EC Treaty 欧洲共同体条约
echinoderm (Marine coelomate animals distinguished from all others by an internal skeleton composed of calcite plates, and a water-vascular system to serve the needs of locomotion, respiration, nutrition or perception) 棘皮类动物
eco-balance (An eco-balance refers to the consumption of energy and resources and the pollution caused by the production cycle of a given product. The product is followed throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction of the raw materials, manufacturing and use, right through to recycling and final handling of waste) 生态平衡
eco-paediatrics (Branch of medical science concerning the study and the therapy of children diseases caused by environmental factors) 生态小儿科学
ecocatastrophe (A sudden, widespread disaster or calamity causing extensive damage to the environment that threatens the quality of life for people living in the affected area or region, potentially leading to many deaths) 生态灾难
ecodevelopment (1. Conservative development based on long term optimization of biosphere resources. 2. An approach to development through rational use of natural resources by means of appropriate technology and system of production which take into account and provide for the conservation of nature) 生态发展
ecolabel (A mark, seal or written identification attached or affixed to products that provides specific ecological information allowing consumers to make comparisons with other similar products, or instructions on how to safely use or properly recycle or dispose of both products and packaging) 环保标章
ecolabelling (The European Community's initiative to encourage the promotion of environmentally friendly products. The scheme came into operation in late 1992 and was designed to identify products which are less harmful to the environment than equivalent brands. It was hoped that by buying labelled goods, consumers would be able to put pressure on manufacturers and retailers both to make and to stock "greener" products. This includes the effects they have on the environment at all stages. The labels are awarded on environmental criteria set by the EC) 环保标志
ecological 生态学
ecological abundance (Number of individual specimens of an animal or plant seen over a certain period of time in a certain place) 生态丰富度
ecological adaptation (Change in an organism so that it is better able to survive or reproduce, thereby contributing to its fitness) 生态适应性
ecological agriculture 生态农业