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Terms for subject Volleyball (1861 entries)
fast attack 快攻
fault of the attack hit 进攻性击球犯规
Federation Internationale de Volleyball 国际排球联合会
Federation Internationale de Volleyball Super Four 国际排球联合会四强赛
feign move forward 假插上
feint alternation attack 假交叉进攻
feint and half speed spike
feint and half speed spike 带假动作的中速扣球
feint ball 轻吊
feint ball 假扣球
feint ball 轻扣
feint cover formation 假布局
feint cover formation 掩护战术
feint cover formation 隐蔽站位
feint cover position 掩护站位
feint jump 晃跳
feint set 晃传
feint spike 假扣球
feint switch attack 假交叉进攻
fierce spike 凶猛扣球