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Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology (461 entries)
dull-looking skin 皮肤暗沉
dye 色粉
eaglewood 沉香木
eau de cologne 古龙水
eau de parfum 浓香水
eau de toilette 淡香水
Efficiency: Rich in nutrition, the liquid foundation has excellent moisturizing and makeup effects to constantly keep skin tender, natural, and elastic! 主要功效:粉底液营养丰富,具有出色的保湿水润以及隔离效应,能令肌肤持续水嫩自然,富有弹力!六、香水
Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白•雅顿
emit 放出
emit 散发
emulsion 乳状液
Emulsion can be used for 2 to 3 years while water emulsion degenerates faster. So it should be stored in the refrigerator 乳液可使用2至3年,水状乳液则变质较快,最好存放于冰箱中
enamel nail polish 指甲油
enforce 执行
Escada 艾斯卡达
essence 精华液
essential liquid 精华液
Essential oil is extracted from the spot or bought from local wholesalers 精华油是从现场萃取或向当地批发商购买的
Estee Lauder 雅诗•兰黛
ethanol 乙醇,酒精