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Terms for subject Microsoft (1106 entries)
desk phone 電話機
desktop sharing 桌面共用
Destinations 目的地
device adapter 裝置配接器
device capability 裝置功能
device capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or the 裝置功能
device definition 裝置定義
device filter 裝置篩選條件
device password 裝置密碼
Dial by Name 依姓名撥號
dial in manually 手動撥入
dial pad 撥號鍵台
dial plan 撥號對應表
dial-in conferencing 電話撥入式會議
dialog bar 對話列
dictionary 字典
Dictionary property 字典屬性
Digest authentication 摘要式驗證
digital ink 數位筆跡
direct access 直接存取