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Terms for subject Nautical (16554 entries)
damage control plan and damage control booklet 破损控制图和破损控制手册
damage control plans and booklets 破舱控制图#手册
damage method by high flow rate 高流速损伤法
damage stability 破舱稳性
damage stability of a unit 平台的破舱稳性
damage survey 损伤鉴定
damaged load 海损载荷
damp coating 阻尼敷层
damped structures 阻尼结构
damper 防火风闸
damping constrained plate 阻尼约束板
damping loss factor 内损耗因子
dan boat 航标工作船
dan buoy
dan-layer 布标船
Danforth anchor 丹福氏锚
danger messages 危险通报
dangerous atmosphere 危险气体环境
dangerous cargo in bulk 散装危险货物
dangerous chemical in bulk carrier 散装危险化学品运输船