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Terms for subject Pest control (2420 entries)
desert locust swarm report 沙漠蝗群集报告
detention in quarantine 检疫扣留
dial cover 刻度盖
dialifos 氯亚胺硫磷
diaphragm pump 隔膜泵
diazinon 二嗪磷
diazinon 地亚农
dichlofluanid 苯氟磺胺
dichlofluanid 抑菌灵
dichlorvos 敌敌畏
dicloran 氯硝胺 (杀菌剂)
dicofol 三氯杀螨醇 (杀螨剂)
dicofol 开乐散
dicofol 螨净
dieback 枝枯 (Valsa (sp.), Leucostoma (sp.))
dieback 顶枯 (Valsa (sp.), Leucostoma (sp.))
dieback and canker blossom blight 桃溃疡假单胞菌 (Pseudomonas morsprunorum)
dieback of twigs 枝顶梢枯死病 (Diplodia pinea)
dimethipin (plant growth regulator; 151) 噻节因 (植物生长调节剂)
dimethoate 乐果 (杀虫剂)