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Terms for subject Armored vehicles (96 entries)
full floating 全浮式
gas-per-mile gauge 汽油〔燃料〕每英里耗量计
gearing in 齿轮啮合
heat prover 废气和排出气体的分析器
hull down 只见船桅不见船身
hull down 在远处
hull down 藏在能观察到敌人并能向其射击的隐蔽处
inlet diagram 人口速度三角形
low built car 低重心车辆
lug plate 接线片〔板〕
lug plate 焊片〔耳〕
make octane 提高辛烷值
marooned tank 陷人泥潭中的坦克
moistened with gasoline 以汽油蒸汽饱和
mounted in a vehicle 装在汽车上的
mounted on wheels 装在车轮上的
out of gas 缺油
out of gas 燃料用完
out of truth
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