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Terms for subject Nautical (16554 entries)
cable data communication 有线数据通信
cable releaser 弃锚器
cable stock 绞盘
cable tank 电缆舱〔槽〕
cable tension indicator 缆绳测力计
cable winch 声呐电缆绞车
cables 成束电缆
cadmium and cadmium compounds 镉和镉化合物
cage mast 桁架桅
cage shooting 笼中爆炸
caisson 桩腿沉箱
caisson dock 沉箱浮坞
caisson type floating dock 整体式浮船坞
caissons or footings 桩靴
calcined pyrites 锻烧黄铁矿
calcium nitrate 硝酸钙
calcium nitrate fertilizer 硝酸钙化肥
calculated flow of personss 计算的人流
calculation of stability 稳性计算
calculation wind speed 计算风速