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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
CAM CO₂fixation 景天酸代谢 CO₂固定
CAM CO₂fixation CAM CO₂固定
camp (1. A place where tents, cabins, or other temporary structures are erected for the use of military troops, for training soldiers, etc. 2. Tents, cabins, etc., used as temporary lodgings by a group of travellers, holiday-makers, Scouts, Gypsies, etc.) 营地;临时帐篷
camp officer 野营地官员
camping (Guarded area equipped with sanitary facilities where holiday-makers may pitch a tent and camp by paying a daily rate) 野营地
camping site (A piece of land where people on holiday can stay in tents, usually with toilets and places for washing) 野营地点
Canadian Environmental Trade Show & Conference 加拿大环境贸易展览会
Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program 加拿大核燃料废物处置方案
canal (An artificial open waterway used for transportation, waterpower, or irrigation) 运河
canal lock (A chamber with gates on both ends connecting two sections of a canal or other waterway, to raise or lower the water level in each section) 运河水闸
cancer (Any malignant cellular tumour including carcinoma and sarcoma. It encompasses a group of neoplastic diseases in which there is a transformation of normal body cells into malignant ones, probably involving some change in the genetic material of the cells, possibly as a result of faulty repair of damage to the cell caused by carcinogenic agents or ionizing radiation) 癌症
cancer risk (The probability that exposure to some agent or substance will adversely transform cells to replicate and form a malignant tumor) 癌症风险
canid (Carnivorous mammal in the superfamily Canoidea, including dogs and their allies) 犬科动物
canopy reflectance 冠层反射能力指树冠
canyon (A long deep, relatively narrow steep-sided valley confined between lofty and precipitous walls in a plateau or mountainous area, often with a stream at the bottom; similar to, but largest than, a gorge. It is characteristic of an arid or semiarid area (such as western U.S) where stream downcutting greatly exceeds weathering) 峡谷
car (A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for land transport, usually propelled by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine) 汽车
car park (Area of ground or a building where there is space for vehicles to be parked) 停车场
car tyre (A rubber ring placed over the rim of a wheel of a road vehicle to provide traction and reduce road shocks, especially a hollow inflated ring consisting of a reinforced outer casing enclosing an inner tube) 汽车轮胎
carbohydrate (Any of the group of organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, including sugars, starches and celluloses) 碳水化合物
carbon (A nonmetallic element existing in the three crystalline forms: graphite, diamond and buckminsterfullerene: occurring in carbon dioxide, coal, oil and all organic compounds)