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Terms for subject Wrestling (1148 entries)
bar Nelson 握臂压颈肩
bar Nelson 握臂压肩颈
barrel roll 肩摔
bat burn
bear hug 跪撑互擦
bear hug 抱臂
bear hug 熊抱
behind 在上面
belly-to-back souple 大弧度摔出对方
belt wrestling 系腰带摔跤
belt wrestling 系腰带的摔跤
billing 浮木式摔跤
birler 浮木摔跤运动员
birling 浮木摔跤
black mark 输分
block 隔开
block the bridge 固定桥
blocking of bridge with double grapevine 双钩腿压桥
blocking of bridge with double grapevine 双勾腿压桥