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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
back month 远期月份
back month 最远月期约
back office 后勤办公室
back pricing 往后定价
back test 回溯测试
back test
back to back fx agreement 背靠背外汇协议
back up 逆向变化
back-dated bill 早填日期的票据
back-door equity financing hypothesis 后门融资假说
back-door listing 借壳上市
back-end load 撤离费
back-end load 后收费用
back-to-back account 对开帐户
back-to-back account 背对背账户
back-to-back borrowing 背对背借款
back-to-back credit 背对背信用
back-to-back credit 转接式信用
back-to-back letter of credit 转开信用证
back-to-back letter of credit 对背信用证