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Terms for subject Nursing (15734 entries)
ballism 投掷症
ballistocardiogram, BCG 心冲击图
balloon dilator 气囊扩张器
balloon tamponade 气囊填塞
balloon tipped flow-directed catheter 血流导向气囊导管
balloon tipped flow-directed catheter 斯旺-甘兹导管
ballottement 浮球感
Balo disease 巴洛病
Balo disease 同心圆性硬化
Balo disease 贝罗病
band 带[环]
band removing pliers 带环去除钳
band seater 带环就位器
band-shaped corneal dystrophy 带状角膜营养不良
band-shaped degeneration of cornea 角膜带状变性
band-shaped degeneration of cornea 带状角膜营养不良
bandaging 绷扎法
banding pattern
Banti disease 班蒂病
Banti disease 脾性贫血