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Terms for subject Microsoft (16289 entries)
QA (A client component responsible for the collection and management of health information for a machine as well as facilitating the isolation of that machine from others on the network; it coordinates information between the various System Health Agents (SHAs) and Quarantine Enforcement Clients (QECs)) agent karantény
QA kontrola kvality
QA gate brána dotazů a odpovědí
QEC (A component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) Client Architecture defined for a specific type of network access (for example DHCP configuration or VPN connections) and matched to a specific type of NAP server) součást QEC
QES (A logical component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) deployment responsible for restricting a clients network access based on the health evidence it presents and for the negotiation for access with health aware resources) server vynucení karantény
QR code kód QR
QS (The server component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) deployment that that coordinates the output from all the System Health Validators and decides whether a Quarantine Enforcement Server should quarantine a client or not (IAS is a Quarantine Server)) server karantény
quad čtveřice
quadratic attenuation kvadratický útlum
quadratic Bezier curve kvadratická Bézierova křivka
qualified component kvalifikovaná součást
qualify zařadit
Qualify Lead Zařadit zájemce
qualifying license opravňující licence
qualitative assessment kvalitativní hodnocení
quality kvalita
quality assurance kontrola kvality
quality assurance kontrola jakosti
quality dissatisfaction neuspokojivá kvalita
Quality of Service (A set of quality assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission) technologie QoS