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Terms for subject Environment (6774 entries)
land and property register (The system of registering certain legal estates or interests in land. It describes the land and any additional rights incidental to it, such as rights of way over adjoining land) kniha vlastnictví pozemkového
land carrying capacity (The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletion) únosnost území
land clearing (Removal of trees, undergrowth, etc. in preparation for ploughing, building, etc.) čištění pozemku
land conservation (The care, preservation and re-use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially soil regions valued as a natural resource or utilized as an agricultural resource) ochrana půdy
land consolidation (Joining small plots of land together to form larger farms or large fields) slučování pozemků
land cover (Land cover is the physical state of the land surface. It is the combination of vegetation, soil, rock, water and human-made structures, which make up the earth's landscape. The land cover is the interface between the earth's crust and the atmosphere, influencing the exchange of energy and matter in the climatic system and biogeochemical cycles) pokryv krajiny
land damage škody na půdě
land damage ekologická újma na půdě
land development (Planning of infrastructures, services and industrial settlements in order to promote the socio-economic growth of certain land area) rozvoj územní
land disposal (The discharge, deposit or injection of any waste onto or into the soil or other land surfaces) zneškodňování odpadů v půdě
land ecology (Study of the relationship between terrestrial organisms and their environment) ekologie půdy
land forming tvorba krajiny
land mammal savec suchozemský
land management and planning (Operations for preparing and controlling the implementation of plans for organizing human activities on land) ŘÍZENÍ A ÚZEMNÍ PLÁNOVÁNÍ
land occupation (The use, settlement or possession of solid areas of the earth's surface) držba pozemku
land planning územní plánování
land planning (The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially regions valued for natural resources, utilized as agricultural resources or considered for human settlement) plánování územní
land pollution (The presence of one or more contaminants upon or within an area of land, or its constituents) znečištění pozemku
land reclamation (Making land capable of more intensive use by changing its general character, as by drainage of excessively wet land; irrigation of arid or semiarid land; or recovery of submerged land from seas, lakes and rivers) rekultivace půdy
land register (A register or survey of land, containing information on the surface of properties, tenants' names, commencing with the earliest owners through successive ownership and partitions, and such like) kniha pozemková