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Terms for subject Microsoft (16285 entries)
quality-of-service indicator indikátor kvality služby
quantitative assessment kvantitativní hodnocení
quantity množství
quantity match variance odchylka párování množství
quantity selling option balení
quantity variance odchylka množství
quarantine karanténa
Quarantine Agent (A client component responsible for the collection and management of health information for a machine as well as facilitating the isolation of that machine from others on the network; it coordinates information between the various System Health Agents (SHAs) and Quarantine Enforcement Clients (QECs)) agent karantény
Quarantine Enforcement Client součást Quarantine Enforcement Client
Quarantine Enforcement Server (A logical component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) deployment responsible for restricting a clients network access based on the health evidence it presents and for the negotiation for access with health aware resources) server vynucení karantény
quarantine management řízení karantény
quarantine order karanténní příkaz
Quarantine Server (The server component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) deployment that that coordinates the output from all the System Health Validators and decides whether a Quarantine Enforcement Server should quarantine a client or not (IAS is a Quarantine Server)) server karantény
quarantine warehouse karanténní sklad
query dotaz
query binder vazač dotazu
Query Builder Tvůrce dotazů
query channel dotazovací kanál
query clause klauzule dotazu
query design návrh dotazu