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Terms for subject Environment (7042 entries)
biochemical method биохимичен метод
biochemical oxygen demand биологично потребност от кислород
biochemical process (Chemical processes occurring in living organisms) биохимичен процес
biochemical substance (Chemical substances that occur in animals, microorganisms, and plants) биохимични вещества
biochemistry биохимия
biocide биоцид
bioclimatology (The study of climate in relation to fauna and flora) биоклиматология
biocoenosis биоценоза
bioconcentration factor коефициент на биоконцентрация
biodegradability биоразграждане
biodegradable биоразложим
biodegradable pollutant биоразграждащ се замърсител
biodegradation биоразграждане
biodegradation биохимично разграждане
biodiversity (1. Genetic diversity: the variation between individuals and between populations within a species; species diversity: the different types of plants, animals and other life forms within a region; community or ecosystem diversity: the variety of habitats found within an area - grassland, marsh, and woodland for instance. 2. An umbrella term to describe collectively the variety and variability of nature. It encompasses three basic levels of organisation in living systems: the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Plant and animal species are the most commonly recognized units of biological diversity, thus public concern has been mainly devoted to conserving species diversity) биоразнообразие
bioethics биоетика
biofiltration биофилтрация
biofuel биогориво
biogas биогаз
biogeocenose екосистема