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Terms for subject Environment (7573 entries)
adhesive лепило
adhesive Лепило (свързващо вещество)
administration администрация
administrative body административен орган
administrative boundary административна граница
administrative competence административна компетентност
administrative court административен съд
administrative deed административен акт
administrative fiat административно разрешение
administrative instructions административни инструкции
administrative jurisdiction административна власт
administrative law административно право
administrative occupation административна длъжност
administrative organisation административен орган
administrative sanction (Generally, any formal official imposition of penalty or fine; destruction, taking, seizure, or withholding of property; assessment of damages, reimbursement, restitution, compensation, costs, charges or fees; requirement, revocation or suspension of license; and taking other compulsory or restrictive action by organization, agency or its representative) административно наказание
adsorption адсорбция
adult възрастен
adult education обучение на възрастни
advertisement (The action of drawing public attention to goods, services or events, often through paid announcements in newspapers, magazines, television or radio) реклама
advice (An official notice, opinion, counsel or recommendation that is optional or at the receiver's discretion) съвет