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Terms for subject Environment (7042 entries)
salt meadow солени ливади
salt plug солен щок, солна интрузия
salt water солени води
salts and solutions containing cyanides соли и разтвори, съдържащи цианиди
salvage (The act, process, or business of rescuing vessels or their cargoes from loss at sea) спасителни операции
salvage изваждане
Samoan fruit bat самоанска летяща лисица
sampling вземане на мостри, пробовземане
sampling probe сонда за вземане на проби
sampling technique техника на пробовземане
sand пясък
sand dune (An accumulation of loose sand heaped up by the wind, commonly found along low-lying seashores above high-tide level, more rarely on the border of large lakes or river valleys, as well as in various desert regions, where there is abundant dry surface sand during some part of the year) пясъчни дюни
sand dune fixation фиксиране на пясъчни дюни
sand extraction извличане на пясък
sand flat пясъчна равнина
sand pit пясъчна площадка
sandhill dunnart пясъчeн торбест тушканчик
sandhill sminthopsis пясъчeн торбест тушканчик
sanitary fitting санитария
sanitary landfill (An engineered method of disposing of solid waste on land in a manner that protects the environment, by spreading the waste in thin layers, compacting it to the smallest practical volume and covering it with compacted soil by the end of each working day or at more frequent intervals if necessary) санитарно сметище