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Terms for subject Environment (7042 entries)
natural disaster природно бедствие
natural disturbance природно смущение
natural drainage system естествен дренаж
natural environment природна околна среда
natural fertiliser естествен тор
natural fibre естествени влакна
natural forest природни гори
natural gas природен газ
natural gas exploration проучване/сондиране за природен газ
natural gas extraction извличане на природен газ
natural habitat естествено местообитание
natural habitat type of Community interest тип естествени местообитания от интерес за Общността
natural hazard природна опасност
natural heritage природно наследство
natural heritage assessment оценка на природното наследство
natural independence law природен закон за независимостта
natural material (No definition needed) естествен материал
natural monument (A natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative of aesthetic qualities or cultural significance. Guidance for selection of a natural monument is: 1. The area should contain one or more features of outstanding significance (appropriate natural features include spectacular waterfalls, caves, craters, fossil beds, sand dunes and marine features, along with unique or representative fauna and flora; associated cultural features might include cave dwellings, cliff-top forts, archaeological sites, or natural sites which have heritage significance to indigenous peoples).; 2. The area should be large enough to protect the integrity of the feature and its immediately related surroundings) природна забележителност
natural park природен парк
natural radioactivity природна радиоактивност