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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
waste from the MFSU of organic pesticides (except 02 01 05) odpady z produkcji, przygotowania, obrotu i stosowania organicznych środków ochrony roślin (zwyłączeniem 02 01 08 i 02 0ေ㆝ 㠀㈀ 㐀㌀
waste from the MFSU of organic pesticides (except 02 01 05) odpady z produkcji, przygotowania, obrotu i stosowania organicznych środków ochrony roślin (zwyłączeniem 02 01 08 i 02 01 09) środków do konserwacji drewna (z wyłączeniem 03 02) i innychbiocydów
waste from the MFSU of paint and varnish odpady z produkcji, przygotowania, obrotu i stosowania oraz usuwania farb i lakierów
waste from transport and storage tank cleaning (except 05 00 00 and 12 00 00) odpady z czyszczenia zbiorników magazynowych, cystern transportowych i beczek (z wyjątkiem grup 05 i 13)
waste gas (Any unusable aeriform fluid, or suspension of fine particles in air, given off by a manufacturing process or the burning of a substance in a enclosed area) gazy odpadowe
waste gas dispersion (The process of breaking up and producing a diffuse distribution of the unusable aeriform fluid or suspension of fine particles in air resulting from a manufacturing process or the burning of a substance in an enclosed area) dyfuzja zanieczyszczeń w pomieszczeniach
waste gas emission (The direct or indirect discharge of exhaust gas into the atmosphere) emisja gazów odpadowych
waste gas examination (Qualitative and quantitative analysis of exhaust gases emitted from vehicles, industrial plants, etc. in order to asses their composition) badanie gazów odpadowych
waste gas reduction (Reduction of the quantity of gaseous emissions in the atmosphere, from motorvehicles, industrial and heating plants, etc. by the adoption of clean technologies, the effectiveness of process operations, the improvement of fuel quality and the installment of chimney stacks high enough to ensure the dispersion of gases) redukcja gazów odpadowych
waste generation wytwarzanie odpadów
waste generator wytwórca odpadów
waste glass (Discarded material from the glass manufacturing process or from used consumer products made of glass) odpady szklane
waste glass-based fibrous materials odpady włókna szklanego i tkanin z włókna szklanego
waste gypsum (By-product of the wet limestone flue gas desulphurisation process) gips z odsiarczania spalin
waste heat (Heat derived from the cooling process of electric power generating plants and which can cause thermal pollution of water courses, promoting algal bloom) ciepło odpadowe
waste heat charge (The release of heat generated as a byproduct from industrial or power generation processes) ulot ciepła odpadowego
waste heat utilisation (Waste heat applications include space heating and refrigeration in urban areas, thawing of ice-bound seaways, agricultural use to stimulate growth and to extend the growing season and in aquaculture to stimulate the growth of algae, shellfish, and other potential marine food sources) użytkowanie ciepła odpadowego
waste holder posiadacz odpadów
waste hydraulic oils odpadowe oleje hydrauliczne
waste hydraulic oils and brake fluids odpadowe oleje hydrauliczne