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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
flaring (1. Flares use open flames during normal and/or emergency operations to combust hazardous gaseous. The system has no special features to control temperature or time of combustion; however, supplemental fuel may be required to sustain the combustion. Historically, flares have been used to dispose of waste gases in the oil and gas industry and at wastewater treatment plants having anaerobic digestors. Regulation for thermal destruction of hazardous wastes limit the practical use of flaring to combustion of relatively simple hydrocarbons, such as methane from digesters or landfill gas collection systems. 2. A control device that burns hazardous materials to prevent their release into the environment; may operate continuously or intermittently, usually on top a stack) spalanie gazów na pochodniach
flaring spalanie na pochodniach
flaring spalanie gazu na pochodniach
flashover rozgorzenie
flavouring (A substance, such as an extract or a spice, that imparts flavor) środek zapachowy
flea pchła
flexible approach to environmental protection (Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control) elastyczne podejście w ochronie środowiska
flexible mechanism mechanizm z Kioto
flexible mechanism elastyczny mechanizm
flocculation flokulacja
flood (An unusual accumulation of water above the ground caused by high tide, heavy rain, melting snow or rapid runoff from paved areas) powódź
flood control (Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structures) ochrona przeciwpowodziowa
flood forecast (The hydrological processes generating river floods have been studied extensively and several modelling concepts have been proposed. The standard procedure for flood forecasting consists of calibrating the parameters of the model of a particular river basin on a representative set of historical hydrometric data and subsequently applying this calibrated model in a real-time environment) przewidywanie powodzi
flood hazard map mapa zagrożenia powodziowego
flood protection (Precautionary measures, equipment or structures implemented to guard or defend people, property and lands from an unusual accumulation of water above the ground) ochrona przeciwpowodziowa
flood risk areas obszary zagrożone powodzią
flood risk management plan plan zarządzania ryzykiem powodziowym
flood risk map mapa ryzyka powodziowego
flood runoff (The total quantity of water flowing from the catchment during the period of the flood) spływy powodziowe
flooding (A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland and/or tidal waters, and/or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. A great flow along a watercourse or a flow causing inundation of lands not normally covered by water) zalew powodziowy