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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
graminaceous plant (A very large family of plants including cereals such as wheat, maize, etc.) roślina trawiasta
grandfathering przydział uprawnień oparty na historycznym poziomie emisji
granulometry granulometria
grass trawy
grass fire (A conflagration in or destroying large areas of any vegetation in the Gramineae family as found in fields, meadows, savannas or other grasslands) pożary traw
grass trimmer przycinarka do trawy
grasshopper świerszcz
grassland (Grassland cover nearly one-fifth of the Earth's land surface. They include savannah, the prairies of North America, and the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. Grassland ecosystems support thousands of different species, above and below the ground, and have a vital part to play maintaining the ecological balance of the world) teren trawiasty
grassland ecosystem (The interacting system of the biological communities located in biomes characterized by the dominance of indigenous grasses, grasslike plants and forbs, and their non-living environmental surroundings) ekosystem trawiasty
grating building komora krat
gravel extraction (Obtaining a mixture of coarse sand and small water- worn or pounded stones, (used for paths and roads and as an aggregate) from the earth) wydobycie żwiru
gravel pit żwirownia
grazing land management gospodarka pastwiskami
green building (The self-contained dwelling where man simulates the ways of ecosystems, i.e. his wastes are converted to fuel by anaerobic digestion for methane production and the residues from the digestion are used for growing food. The food residues are composted and/or used for methane production. Solar energy is trapped by the greenhouse effect and used for house, crop and water heating. A windmill would be used for electricity. Thus, given sufficient space, sunshine, rainfall and wind, the ecohouse is in theory a self-contained system recycling its own wastes and using the sun as its energy input) ekologiczna zabudowa
green certification certyfikacja środowiskowa
green claim twierdzenie dotyczące ekologiczności (produktu)
green design zielony projekt
green design projekt przyjazny środowisku
Green Diplomacy Network sieć zielonej dyplomacji
green electricity zielona energia