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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
fire break pas przeciwpożarowy
fire precaution (Measure, action or installation implemented in advance to avert the possibility of any unexpected and potentially harmful combustion of materials) prewencja przeciwpożarowa
fire protection (All necessary precautions to see that fire is not initiated, by ensuring that all necessary fire fighting apparatus is in good order and available for use if fire should break out, and by ensuring that personnel are properly trained and drilled in fighting fire) ochrona przeciwpożarowa
fire safety requirement (Rules to be followed and safety systems to be adopted for preventing or fighting fire) wymogi bezpieczeństwa przeciwpożarowego
fire service (Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their prevention) straż pożarna
fire shield osłona ogniowa
fireproofing agent (A chemical used as a coating for or a component of a combustible material to reduce or eliminate a tendency to burn; used with textiles, plastics, rubbers, paints, and other materials) środki ograniczające palność
firing wypalanie
firm firma
Fischer-Tropsch biodiesel paliwo "FT-diesel"
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis synteza Fischera-Tropscha
fish ryby
fish farm gospodarstwo rybackie
fish farming (Raising of fish in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters) gospodarstwo rybne
fish kill (Fish diseases observed in the past three decades and which have been attributed to pollution include: haemorrhages; tumours; fin rot; deformed fins; and missing scales and tails. In industrialized countries, increasing numbers of fish are deemed inedible. Many small kills are not noticed or are not reported, and large kills are often not included because of insufficient information to determine whether the kills were caused by pollution or by natural factors. Low dissolved oxygen levels resulting from excessive sewage is one of the leading causes. The second most common cause is pesticides) wymieranie ryb
fish stock (Quantity of fish held for future use) zasoby ryb
fish toxicity toksyczność dla ryb
fisheries management (The administration and handling of aspects of the fishing industry, including the catching, processing and selling of fish) gospodarka zasobami rybnymi
fisheries structure (Refers to all the structures (fishing vessels, trawling nets, factory ships, catcher boats, etc.) used in fishing industry) sprzęt rybacki
fishery economics (The production, distribution, and consumption of fish and seafood and all financial aspects of the fishing and seafood industry) gospodarka rybna