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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (897 entries)
awareness conștientizare
Bali Process Procesul Bali
Barcelona Process Parteneriatul Euro-Mediteraneean
beneficiary of international protection beneficiar al protectiei internationale
biometric date biometrice
biometric element biometric
biometric element biometric de identificare
biometric feature element biometric de identificare
biometric feature date biometrice
biometric feature element biometric
biometric identifier element biometric de identificare
biometric identifier date biometrice
biometric identifier element biometric
biometric matching compararea datelor biometrice
biometric matching system sistem biometric
biometric system sistem biometric
black market economie informală
Blue Card Cartea Albastră a UE
Blue Card holder posesorul Cărţii Albastre a UE
border check verificare la frontieră