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Terms for subject Social science (630 entries)
secondary drug drog secundar
security of food supply securitatea aprovizionării cu alimente
seized drug drog capturat
selective prevention prevenire selectivă
self-employed activity activitate independentă
self-employed activity activitate autonomă
self-employment activitate independentă
self-employment activitate autonomă
Seminar on the Impact of Economic Restructuring on the Employment, Training and Working Conditions of Women for Selected English-speaking African Countries Africa anglofonă
service sector sectorul serviciilor
service sector sectorul terțiar
sewage epidemiology analiza apelor reziduale
sex gap disparitate de gen
sex segregation segregare de gen
sex tourism turism sexual
sexual orientation orientare sexuală
sexual preference orientare sexuală
single European emergency call number numărul european unic pentru apeluri de urgență
single European emergency call number 112
skill gap insuficiența mâinii de lucru calificate